I’m really feeling that a community is slowly evolving around MONOLITH Alpha. It is one that I enjoy and want to engage with on a daily basis. I can’t say the same about the Instagram account that I created recently for MONOLITH Gallery. I thought it’d just be me sending out newsletters each day, but there is a growing dialogue between the people in this burgeoning community both on Twitter and also in the comments of each issue. What really made me take notice was trying out the Substack “chat” feature today. I was really surprised by how many people engaged with my“gm ☕️” message, since you had to download and sign into a new app to participate in the conversation. If this continues to grow, it might become a viable alternative to Twitter for connecting with the NFT community.
As I watch this community grow, I’m thinking about what values I want to instill in it and the behaviors I want to reward. One of them is kindness. In today’s curation, I’m highlighting one submission in particular from Valipokkann, who submitted not one of his own, but one of a friend. He wrote to me:
I have a huge respect for this Siapou. He's 76 year artist. also a theoretical physicist. i thought of asking him to submit, but then i thought it would be better if i do it myself. As a token of respect for the Senior artist in this space. Also a kind human.
I found this to be a very kind gesture and so I wanted to reward it by including Siapou’s piece, which is the first one in today’s curation.

stoked chikai, thanks for having my work on. 🖤
Really nice works 👏🏻