MONOLITH Alpha #37
This is the first issue where I am featuring curations from Foundation Worlds and NiftyGateway Publishers. I’m always trying to keep my ear close to ground, listening to and observing what the community is talking about and feeling. I sensed that there might be a need to give some of these new curations more visibility and it seems like my hunch was correct given that I got a lot of submissions after my request for curations in a tweet I sent out yesterday.
Also as I noted in the last issue, I’ve started to include a “Newsletter Recommendations” section at the end of each issue. I’ll be rotating through the order so that a different newsletter is first in the list each week.
There are a lot of curations coming out this week (including some of my own through MONOLITH Gallery), so you will see several issues of MONOLITH Alpha in your inbox this week, all in the spirit of giving more visibility to more artists.


Newsletter Recommendations
Grail Digest by Tim Salikhov
Aerial Art by Rich Caldwell
m/b imprints by m/branson
Drawlights by Peter Nitsch